We are more and more against booking supercheap flights with budget airlines since it is more and more evident that these airline need to make money with different "services" such as spraying. We have our own opinion about this and do not want to support chemtrail activities. But this is not the point in this blog. Nevertheless, this time, we booked such a cheap flight as we simply could not find another option to come to our destination.

For only 32 hours we flew to Braga in Portugal. From Switzerland it is a short 2 hours flight. We landed in Porto late morning with a fantastic spring weather and really warm temperatures. We took our rental car and drove the short way to Braga. Braga is a city in the north of Portugal about 40 min. drive away from Porto. As we did not have breakfast at home nor on the plane, we made a quick stop at a gast station to get some food. Lucky enough we could find some vegan cookies. In Brage we checked in our hotel, had a quick shower and got ready for what we came here. Our spiritual master Paramahamsa Vishwananda was giving darshan in Braga that day. Basically it had already started. So we got ready and drove

to the hall where the event took place. It was a huge hall. 3000 people had registered for the event - they all wanted to receive his blessing. It was imprissive - a huge hall packed with people patiently waiting for hour and hours. Outside, they had organised food and there were different acitivties like group meditation and talks going on. It was wonderful to meet many friends again. We have been in Portugal 2 years ago for the first time with Paramahamsa Vishwananda - how lovely to see many familiar faces again now. So first we were busy catching up with all our friends.
The darshan had started at noon already. And again it was so heart touching. We have experienced this already many times before, but we have never attended a darshan with 3000 people. Paramahamsa Vishwananda was in his chair in front, and one person after the other coming personally to him, receiving his blessing and sometimes asking him something. Then the next person, then the next,,,, and so on. He never made a break, never went out or never even took a sip of water. He simply took care for the people non-stop for 12 hours! I know, many people are laughing about us, are very sceptical about us having a guru or even think we are totally crazy. That is fine, we can live with that. Because when you experience times like this with him, you know that there must be a special "force", "energy" or however

you want to call it, behind it. A human being simply cannot do this. And can assure, each singl person asking hin a question received exactly a very personal answer! It is simply amazing to observe him and be in his presence. And midnight, he made a break for about 20 minutes and then he came back to continue the darshan. Even people who had never seen him before waited patiently, some of them till the next morning at 5 am. We received our darshan at around 2.30 am. Darshan itself finished after 36 hours! What an experience!
Tired we went to bed for a short sleep. Fortunately we could stay in the room til noon. After a shower and a coffee to wake us up, we went for a walk through town. And we found an extraorindary raw-vegan restaurant, the Taberna do Mundo. Homemade vegan food, mainly raw. We had a fantastic lunch (well, for us it was breakfast) of a hot soup, a raw filling main course and a raw cake with vegan cappuccino for only 9 Euros! And it was freshly made of organic ingredients and super tasty. Wish we had such a place at home.

Braga is quite a nice, super clean and extremly friendly city. We visited the cathedral and simply walked through the center. It was much colder today and a strong wind was blowing. Even some raindrops fell. But we enjoyed it. We would have love to also visit the famous pilgrinage place Bom Jesus do Monte. But time was running and we had to drive back to Porto, to drop our car and leave Portugal again. Work was calling. 32 hours was a super short time but worth it every single second!
Landing in Geneva then a big surprise. Our shaking flight took us in the middle of a snowstorm. So we had a slow and "white" drive back home on the highway to Thun. It was a really intense snowstorm in april. No need to say that we were very tired.